How Much Do Black Lives Matter?

July 1, 2020
Oakland, CA
Sunny and warm

Saturday night I went online and joined Black Lives Matter. It was the funeral of Rayshard Brooks, a young man with a wife and two children, shot by police, that was the trigger. I cried with them and then thought, I have to do something besides cry! So I joined Black Lives Matter because they are the ones specifically targeting police psychopathy.

We have to move forward carrying both the good and the bad in our consciousness. As human beings, we tend to dwell on either one or the other. Either we allow evil to occupy our minds and develop depression, or we choose to dwell only on what is good and beautiful and ignore what is ugly and shockingly evil.

“Bad things happen because good people allow them to happen,” said my mentor when I asked him why there was so much evil in the world. Good people cannot prevent bad things from happening if they close their eyes and refuse to look at evil. Denial may help them feel happy, but it allows evil people, like police psychopaths for instance, to proceed unimpeded with their business, which is creating misery and destruction.

Now is the golden opportunity for the good people of the world, those who want to see a world where everyone is happy, healthy, has opportunity and where no one suffers, to make their voices heard. The pot is being stirred. Greed, narcissism, deception are rising to the top where they can be seen, skimmed off, and thrown out. Our eyes are being opened to see the real meaning of the ominous crack in our Liberty Bell.

Truth is not always beautiful. It is like a rock, and I believe that good people, who are most of us, holding onto that rock and searching for the ways they can help, will bring us through these harrowing times to a brilliant, just, and equitable future.

In hopefulness,

Kindly visit the Facebook page of my mentor, Rahul Starr Patel.
Recommended reading: My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

9 thoughts on “How Much Do Black Lives Matter?”

  1. Elizabeth Smith

    I love the action you took in joining Black Lives Matter. I will step up and also take that action.

  2. Very well put! Take action now for a new dawn where all beings feel safe and loved, and America is Green Again!

  3. I always look forward to your posts, Dorothy, but I’m especially grateful for this one. In these few words, you’ve reminded me how important it is to remain aware and ready to act. Perhaps most importantly, it’s those final words in the post — In hopefulness– that I appreciate, ‘hope’ being in such short supply right now. Thank you for holding on to it, and reminding the rest of us to do the same.

  4. Bhavananda Lodkey

    Thank you Dorothy for these words. Also for the recommendation of the book by Resamaa..I will definitely order it. I also appreciate how Rahul framed his words that you acknowledged in your share. Many blessings. We met at Gateways Books and hosted Rahul in Santa Cruz around 2010 or so.

  5. Good for you to be so proactive. Quite often we stay on the sidelines out of fear in the hope that ugly things will go away. May you be blessed for your caring spirit. Lynette

  6. Wow I like how you expressed your feelings in this.Hopefully we will come through this before losing too many more good innocent people.I know GOD is so disappointed in his children right now 🙏🙏🙏

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