2019 is a year in which Jupiter in Sagittarius will be bringing us opportunities to grow, expand, and evolve (see Yol Swan’s blog, Main Astrology & Numerology for 2019).

Is our evolution due to our DNA, our gifts to us from our ancestors, or is it directed by some other force? Is our Destiny going to be limited to the development of the abilities and shadows we carry with us from the past or is there something else involved?

My daughter, L., is an accomplished blue grass musician. She has mastered the bass, plays the guitar, and sings from her heart. Recently, she purchased a beautiful mandolin, intending to accompany herself and others with mandolin sweetness. (You have to listen to the mandolin to get what I mean.)

But then something happened. Her 89 year old father’s wife died. He was left with no one to care for him, and, since he had a memory problem, he desperately needed care. L. offered to find a suitable place for him in Santa Cruz, California, where she lives with her husband. With the help of her brothers, she transported him to Santa Cruz, and began the process of finding a home equipped to care for him and getting medical care and proper diagnosis.

Now L’s life is radically changed. Instead of practicing and playing music in her free time, she is responsible for her father’s medical care and handling emergencies which come up frequently at the care facility where he is living. She visits him after work several times a week.

At Christmas when I visited her, the mandolin was hanging on the wall, untouched.

L. was evolving according to the gifts of her DNA, but Destiny intervened. If this happens to us, we can either complain and feel sorry for ourselves, or we can surrender. The Master of Destiny may have other things in mind for us to do, other paths of evolution to follow.

2019 is a year of evolution. Let us be open to whatever windows open for us, even windows we had not included in our New Year’s resolutions!

Looking up,


Recommended reading: Spontaneous Evolution – Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda)

I invite you to visit the Facebook page of my mentor, Rahul Patel, Author, for a wisdom quote.

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