Joined at the Roots
April 13, 2021
Oakland, CA
Sunny and Warm
Walking past the flower-filled front-yard gardens on Lakeshore Avenue near my apartment in Oakland, I suddenly stopped, arrested by the sight of two palm trees, which had grown together but had remained separate. Emerging from the ground, their roots had grown into a living container about a foot high, from which their two trunks had grown in close proximity, but separately. They were mature trees, the trunk of each one a foot in diameter, the right-hand tree with a rough, shingled bark and the left with a smooth, slightly shiny bark. Their fronds spread luxuriously together, creating a wide, shady space beneath them. I felt that they had given themselves to each other, a tree-marriage, showing us just what marriage could look like, how it could provide peace and shelter to wandering birds or squirrels – or pedestrians passing by.
The peace was sinking into my bones and I began to visualize what was happening underground, how the roots of two different trees had joined together to create the home for this holy marriage. Roots with different heredity, different ways of communication, different ideas had cooperated to create an offspring greater than either one alone. There must have been a lot of communicating and hand-holding underground, perceived by no one, but without which there would have been no beautiful marriage above ground.
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes the support of entwined roots to create a marriage, the roots of two different strains of heredity, to impart their strength and experience to the two individuals who have given themselves to become one. The two do not create their peace alone. They partake of the love and wisdom of their respective roots to become a blessing for their families, friends, and communities.
In Oneness,
Dorothy Deviani
What I am reading: “The Adventure of Consciousness” by Satprem
What I would like to see: “Underground Railroad”
I have heard it said that all trees join at their root level. THe beautiful tree photo is a great example of an extra “main base” they created. It is one of the mysteries WHY they have created a main base. They DO communicate a lot~ In a forrest you might hear them murmaning if you listen deeply. I LOVE TREES! A real network of roots where communication happens. There really is no separation!
Your post shows us to notice the little things around us that are showing us right in plain site! The world is a great teacher. My Father was a farmer and used to tell us what he was learning in nature. He said animals do not mate with other species..and each speicies knows when another of their kind is present. And will often be drawn to them. Naturally want to join, see what they pick up from the other. Love this lesson! we must slow down and listen and look.
I have heard it said that all trees join at their root level. THe beautiful tree photo is a great example of an extra “main base” they created. It is one of the mysteries WHY they have created a joined base. They DO communicate a lot~ In a forrest you might hear them murmaning if you listen deeply. I LOVE TREES! A real network of roots where communication happens. There really is no separation!
Your post shows us to notice the little things around us that are showing us right in plain site! The world is a great teacher. My Father was a farmer and used to tell us what he was learning in nature. He said animals do not mate with other species..and each speicies knows when another of their kind is present. And will often be drawn to them. Naturally want to join, see what they pick up from the other. Love this lesson! we must slow down and listen and look.