Finding the Bluebird

August 9, 2020
Oakland, CA
Warm and sunny

There is a parklet on Lakeshore Ave. near my apartment where three groups of huge cedar trees have been allowed to stand. It is my favorite place to walk, just, for a few minutes, to be in the presence of these silent giants. Who knows what they are saying to each other that we do not have ears to hear?

Even though birds love trees, we do not have many birds in this area other than sparrows. But yesterday, as I was walking by the first group of cedars, feeling a little depressed since I had watched the news, I glimpsed a flash of brilliant blue darting between the trees. I stopped immediately to see what it was. It spun around a few times as if to make sure I could see that it was a real bluebird, and then disappeared. “It’s the Bluebird of Happiness!” I cried aloud. I kept looking for it as I continued my walk but I did not see it again, nor have I seen it since.

I must have been about 10 years old when I saw the movie of the 1908 play by Maurice Maeterlinck, in which a young brother and sister wander about the world seeking the Bluebird of Happiness, only to find the happiness they were looking for when they return home, in their own backyard.

What is that backyard and what is that happiness? It is not where we live, it is not whom we know, it is not any external circumstance. It is in an inner space that happiness dwells. It feels like Home, we love and are loved, our inner peace is profound no matter what is happening in our outer space, and the Bluebird is always singing. There is no need to go anywhere to find it.

It is my wish that everyone, and especially my dear readers, find their Bluebird, wherever they may live, drink in its bright color, listen to its music, and find the joy of their own true Home.

Homeward Bound,


PS: I am nearing the end of preparing my mentor, Rahul (Star) Patel’s book, “The Healer’s Way: An Inner Guide to Healing With Energy”, for independent publication. I’ll keep you posted!

Kindly visit the Facebook page of my mentor, Rahul Star Patel.
Recommended Reading: The Blue Bird, by Maurice Maeterlinck, available as an eBook.

11 thoughts on “Finding the Bluebird”


    Thank you Dorothy! I love bluebirds and have seen only several in my life—and all were in the most recent years. And when I did catch a brief sight of these birds,
    they filled me with happiness as well.

    I look forward to Rahul Patel’s book that you are preparing!

    Blessings and peace,


  2. Hello Dorothy,

    Just want to leave a note to you of gratitude for all the wonderful expressions of feelings
    that you send my way. I often think of you and Rahul Patel and how we connected as we did.

    You will always be a bluebird of happiness for me.
    Thank you so much for all you do and share.


    Vicki Shiba


  3. Very beautiful and inspiring, dear Dorothy. I once had a T shirt that said “Inner peace is world peace,” and that is more than ever my focus these days. I love your blue bird story and commentary. I am blessed to live in a semi- woods area. Yesterday I saw two redheaded woodpeckers, a bit rare. Simple joys. But in a way, I think everything is symbolic, and I chose to see those amazing birds as harbingers of hope.

    I hope you are well and in good spirits.



  4. Dear Dorothy,
    Thank you for your touching story of the bluebird and the reference to finding that inner space of happiness within ourselves. I have been grieving the loss of my brother who died of pancreatic cancer while I was taking care of him at my home two months ago. That plus the burden of living through a pandemic has made my heart heavy. Your bluebird story makes me once again listen for his song that my mother used to sing to me.
    Aggie Brenneman

  5. My Friend this is Gloria from Texas. I saw a tree full of blue birds for a second or less at Mt Shasta. One blue bird dropped one of it’s blue feathers for me. I placed it on my altar. I am so happy The Healers’ Way is published! Thank You my Friend.

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